Social Compliance Policy 法令遵守方針
PLUS Vietnam Industrial Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as PLUS Vietnam) is one of leading stationery manufacturers in Vietnam. We are proud of supplying high quality stationery products to all over the world.
In PLUS Vietnam, we believe that our success is built on a foundation of personal and professional integrity. We understand the challenge of ensuring high social, ethical and environmental standards within our business and throughout our supply chain. In order to achieve this, Plus Vietnam defines this Social Compliance Policy to ensure compliance with requirements of SA 8000 standard (current version), International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, Vietnamese Labour Code and our Customers’ code of conduct. PLUS Vietnam commits to observe the below-mentioned requirements and we also expect our suppliers to follow these standards and requirements.
- Child LabourPLUS Vietnam does not engage in or support the use any form of child labor.
We comply with all minimum age provisions of local laws. - Freely Chosen EmploymentThere is no forced, bonded, indentured or involuntary prison labour.
Workers are not required to pay fees or lodge “deposits” or original identity papers and are free to leave company after reasonable notice according to local laws. - Health and SafetyPLUS Vietnam provides all employees with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, ensuring prevention of accidents and injury, health and safety training, clean and sanitary support facilities and access to potable water.
- Freedom of asscoiation & collective barganingPLUS Vietnam respects the rights of employees to associate, organize and bargain collectively in a lawful manner, without penalty or interference.
- Non-DiscriminationPLUS Vietnam ensures there is no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, nationality, origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
- No coercion and HarassmentPLUS Vietnam does not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse. All disciplinary actions must be recorded and be fair, proportionate and fully compliant with local laws.
- Working hoursPLUS Vietnam complies with applicable laws on working hours including leaves, holidays, overtime,etc.
In PLUS Vietnam , overtime is voluntary. - WagesPLUS Vietnam complies with all applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime, piece rates, provide legally mandated benefits.
PLUS Vietnam does not deduct penalties from emplyee wages for disciplinary infractions. - Management SystemPLUS Vietnam commits to :
- Allocate the required resources in order to fully implement the Policy, including an internal system to record and monitor compliance to this Policy.
- Assign responsibility for the implementation of this Policy to an appropriately trained management representative who will provide the Board, suppliers and other stakeholders with compliance updates and implementation performance as required.
- Work collaboratively with our suppliers, supporting them in the improvement of social, ethical and environmental standards where required.
- Full compliance with this Policy within our own business and to ensuring that all relevant employees are aware of the Social Compliance Policy.
- Acknowledge specific national, regional and cultural challenges that may affect compliance.
- Communicate this policy to all employees and suppliers engaged in our supply chain.
- Periodically review this policy in order to continually improve, taking into consideration changes in legislation, and any other requirements to which the Company subscribes, and in order to ensure the adequacy, suitability and continuing effectiveness of the policy.
- Queries on Social ComplianceIf you have any questions regarding this Social Compliance Policy, please email
Tel: +84 251 3836 592. Fax: +84 251 3836 462
Or accredited body SGS Vietnam Ltd.
8th & 9th Floor, Bao Lao Dong Building, 198 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, District 3. Ho Chi Minh City. Email
Tel: + 84 28 3935 1920. Fax: + 84 28 3935 1921.
Or SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Services)
15 West 44th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10036.
Tel: (212) 391-2106. Fax: (212) 684-1515
Or SAI (Social Accountability International)
15 West 44th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10036.
Tel: (212) 684-1414. Fax: (212) 684-1515